Nikita Oldman
We here to answer all your questions
1. Whether same proposer can propose the nomination of more than one candidate?
2. Whether the notice of withdrawal of candidature can be revoked?
3. Then what is the penalty a candidate faces for filing a wrong affidavit?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of tiaot you he Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry.
4. What can be the maximum number of members of Rajya Sabha?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of tiaot you he Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry.
5. Is there any special qualification for nominated members?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of tiaot you he Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry.
6. Who can present the nomination paper to the Returning Officer?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of tiaot you he Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry.
7. To whom you can connect while facing any problem during online submission?
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of tiaot you he Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text theprinting and typesetting industryprinting and typesetting industry.